2015 Nutritious Food Survey

Grey Bruce Health Unit:  The Cost of Eating Well in Grey and Bruce Counties

The Nutritious Food Basket

The Nutritious Food Basket is a costing tool that measures the cost of basic healthy eating using the current nutrition recommendations from Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide and average food purchasing patterns from the Canadian Community

Health Survey 2.2.

Food costing monitors both affordability and accessibility of foods by relating the cost of the food basket to individual or family incomes.

Inadequate Income is a Significant Barrier to Healthy Eating

Food is a basic human need and is required for health. The cost of food can be a barrier to health for many people on a limited income. The Nutritious Food Basket annual report is a powerful policy and advocacy tool which can be used to raise awareness about the cost of healthy eating to assess the adequacy of social assistance rates or minimum wage incomes.

The 2015 Nutritious Food Basket survey found that it costs $199.55 per week ($864.05 per month) to feed a reference family of four (two parents, two children) in Grey and Bruce Counties.